"There can be only sex and violence because there is nothing else to live for in such a world. "

That quote hits hard, because it applies to the place i live. This city has lost all connection to spirituality or traditional values. When a semblance of that appears, it's ideology using the disguise of pseudo-spirituality.

When people have no higher calling and believe they have no purpose, life for them devolves into just that, "sex and violence".

This was brilliantly written, i see that this substack is not new yet it has very few articles, so i wanted to ask if you are discoraged or merely too busy to write. more I believe you have important knowlege to transmitt and have things to say (or write) that are worth saying (or writing). I'm eagerly waiting your next article. If the case is that you are discouraged because of the small audience, i'd avise you to stop caring. Someone told me we cannot fix society, but we can help fix those that are worthy. Cheers fellow substacker.

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Sorry, Traditionalism

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"The Woke Brigade"?

LOL, what a weird essay. Rings of Power had its flaws; the main one being that it was a slow moving show that would bore much of the people who were into the much more action packed LoTR movies. Beyond that, you sound like a bitter churchlady just looking to be offended by things. Complaining about single mothers and heaven forbid black people cast in a fantasy show, shows you probably need to find a hobby and get out more.

And nobody calls themselves "the woke brigade." It sounds like you are more into creating fake villains than analyzing real ones. Hopefully the fantasy stories you create are better than your bad essay that was one of the most pathetic crybaby easily offended things I have read that would make a 5 year old crying at the park look masculine by comparison. LoTR isn't really for you, try Coco Melon, it would match your maturity level.

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They're poking the wrong wasp nest...

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Is Tradionalism like Gnosticism?

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Hi, Megan, sorry I didn't realise people had left comments here. No, it's not the same as Gnosticism, although there is some overlap because both are esoteric in nature. There are some Traditional elements within Gnosticism, but there are also a number of anti-Traditional elements within it as well. As with anything, always good to know how to find the hidden gems in anything, though.

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